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Do you have a Psychology Degree or are currently studying Psychology at degree level? Are you interested in fashion and stay up to date on the latest trends? If so, then we would love to offer you the opportunity to have your work published on Fashion is Psychology.

Our mission is to spotlight stories from diverse perspectives, particularly those underrepresented in mainstream media. We welcome everyone to share their unique insights on our platform.

No need to stress about your experience level; the key is to have an interesting story to tell. We know pitching can be daunting, especially if it’s your first time, so we’ve put together these guidelines to help ensure everyone has a fair and equal chance of working with us.

Step 1: Do Your Research

Consider where your story would best fit. Is it a thought-provoking piece for the blog or a comprehensive feature for our main site? We don’t just want a basic article about why fashion psychology or sustainability is important; we want something fresh, topical and engaging. Familiarize yourself with our content by browsing our website and reading previous posts to envision where your story might belong and how it could add value.

Check if we’ve covered similar topics before by using a search engine and entering your idea to see existing content. If we have, think about how your pitch can offer a fresh perspective or update on the topic.

Step 2: Perfect Your Pitch

When you’re ready to pitch, email us with:

  • A compelling headline that would capture our readers’ attention.
  • A concise summary (200-250 words) outlining your pitch, its relevance, its appeal to our audience, and your unique angle. Explain how you would approach writing and researching it, including any experts or case studies you’d consult. For personal stories, detail how you’d tell it and the key points you’d cover.
  • Examples of your previous work, especially relevant pieces. Include 2-3 links or samples, such as blog posts, published articles, or social media content.
  • There’s no need to send a full CV, we do not have the manpower to review it.
  • Pitches without a scientific/psychological reference or angle will not be accepted.

Use “PITCH” in the subject line to help us identify your email. Keep your pitch brief; we’ll contact you if we need more details. Please don’t send full articles; we prefer to collaborate with contributors on commissioned content.

Step 3: What’s Next?

We receive many pitches each week and aim to review them regularly. Please be patient; it might take some time to determine if your idea fits our platform. We strive to respond to as many pitches as possible but typically only get back to successful ones or those needing more information. If your pitch is time-sensitive, mark it as “TOPICAL PITCH” in the subject line.

Due to budget constraints, we can only commission a limited number of pieces each month. We currently offer £ 30 GBP per piece.

If your pitch is accepted, the editor will contact you for more details or commission you with a brief and deadline. We expect all submissions to be fact-checked, accurate, and original. Plagiarism is not tolerated.

Send your pitch to

If you do not hear back from us within 10 working days, sadly, your piece was not accepted on this occasion. There are various reasons why a pitch may not proceed, so don’t be discouraged and feel free to try again.

We look forward to hearing your story and potentially working together to explore the fascinating intersection of fashion and psychology!

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