What is PMS?
Being a woman is a journey that involves having to deal with many internal psychological and physiological changes in our lives. Amongst these many changes, one that almost every woman goes through is her Menstruation Cycle.
Changes in hormone levels generate a sequence of changes that trigger these menstrual cycles. Women could notice a decline in serotonin levels because of usual hormonal changes. This brain chemical elevates mood.
Each month, these changes lead to Premenstrual syndrome (PMS), a condition that affects women. PMS is not a condition that all women have, and the severity of it varies from person to person.
Many women experience a wide range of emotions, and their moods fluctuate greatly, which causes dramatic changes in their behavior both before and during the menstrual cycle. The luteal phase occurs during the second part of your menstrual cycle.
You might have some effects during this luteal phase when progesterone levels drop. Premenstrual syndrome symptoms like mood swings might be brought on by a shift in progesterone levels as your menstruation approaches.

Effects of Hormones on Buying Behavior
Among these behavioral changes, PMS is most likely to have an impact on the habit of purchasing. It has been discovered that many women’s spending patterns alter in time with their menstrual cycle. The common experience of impulsiveness and anxiety brought on by the spike in hormone changes suggests this.
These irrational cravings frequently tempt these women to turn to retail therapy, or, to put it another way, to utilize shopping to instantly satisfy their distress.
One study compared to women in the ovulation, mid-cycle, or luteal phases, luteal phase women were much more impulsive and showed significantly weaker self-control.
It has been discovered that excessive spending, a lack of self-control, and buyer’s remorse all correspond with the day of the cycle, raising the possibility that ovarian hormones are to blame for women’s impulsive and overindulgent shopping habits.

Impulsive Consumption Affected by Changing Hormones
Research suggests that impulsive consumption is affected by hormonal changes that take place during the menstrual cycle. This increased consumption behavior can be seen in a variety of contexts, especially in the fashion, food, and leisure industries. Most women may exhibit emotional impulsivity when they are experiencing PMS or during their menstrual periods.
These irrational, uncontrolled purchases are made while one is under the influence of such intense emotional impulsiveness. There is frequently a greater drive to achieve instant gratification through quick fixes that balance our moods to deal with the uncertain nervous hormone flow in the body and rising impulsivity.
Most of us look for things that are accessible or things to do that let us relax. Most of the time, this is seen when shopping online because of its accessibility. The fact that it leads to an unpadded purchase and that it primarily gives an immediate motivating incentive one might need at that moment.
The Impact of Mood on Consumption
Many women can see themselves frequently buying things on impulse that make them feel good or have special meaning for them. This is because performing these actions boosts our self-esteem and temporarily silences negative thoughts.
Variations in hormone levels have the greatest impact on mood during this period. When a person is anxious, they are more likely to make impulsive consumption when they browse online or enter a store. Mood influences a woman’s shopping decisions during PMS and the menstrual cycle.

This is because mood swings are one of the most common symptoms found in women during this time. For example, many of us can experience great confusion, such as being unable to decide between the color of a dress or a top that has options; this could be because of an increasing level of anxiety within the body. However, if they are distressed, some might generally buy visually appealing goods, which could be because there is less mental energy available during that period.
Thus, understanding how the female body changes to become more impulsive is important since this change takes place because of rising hormone levels throughout the premenstrual and menstrual cycle phases.
Which leads to creating compulsivity in the brain, alters emotions, and affect consumer behavior.